The National Lekotek Center
Winter 2006

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Toy Talk
Preschool Prep Series DVDs
  multiple awards and rave reviews including, Dr. Toy's 10 Best Educational Products for 2005,'s 2005 Best Baby Toys list, Your Guide to Baby Products, Top 7 Baby and Toddler Alphabet Learning Video list, and Creative Child Magazine's DVD of the Year award. Entertainment Weekly gave Meet the letters a glowing review and an "A" rating. Meet the Letters and Meet the Numbers debuted on the New Release Best Seller List.

In a study of over 50 babies and toddlers who watched Meet the Letters three to five times a week, over 90% achieved complete upper and lowercase letter recognition within two months. Children who watch Meet the Numbers can easily learn number character recognition (from zero to ten) in a few days. Shapes can be learned in a couple of viewings. Serveral of the children in the study were considered speech delayed. All of these children were able to communicate complete letter knowledge by the end of the study.

Preschool Prep Company conducted this study to show parents how easy it is for children to learn letters while they are learning to talk. "It was so exciting to see a group of children go from no letter knowlege to complete upper and lowercase letter recognition in a very short time," said Oxley, "I honestly believe that this will change the path to literacy for each of these children." In her upcoming book, Teaching Letters Earlier, Oxley talks about the study and importance of teachers letters early. "I know that we can make a huge advancement in this country's literacy rate by makingsamll changes in the way we teach children." It is so rewarding when we hear of a child who has not responded to other learning tools and we are able to help take him to place that he had not been able to reach."

Preschool Prep Series DVDs and Books are available at

Note a set of 3 DVD's will be included in this year's toy box. Please forward your feedback about these DVD's so we can share with the Preschool Prep Co. to Ellen Metrick at
Preschool Prep Series DVDs have been embraced by parents of children with special needs. Said company founder Kathy Oxley, "We started getting feedback from these parents shortly after we released the series." As parents saw how well their children were responding to these DVDs, they started recommending the products to their children's therapists and teachers. After a few months, we began hearing from professionals who were using the DVDs in their daily session. Speech and Language Pathologist Shanon Kong said, "The simplicity and repetition along with the bright, fun characters are a perfect combination for teaching children with language or processing difficulties their ABCs."

Kathy Bogart, a home school teacher for children with Autism, said "I work with several young autistic children and was amazed by their immediate interest and engaging behavior." She highly recommends these DVDs to anyone working with or parenting children with autism.

Oxley said that they have been hearing the same thing over and over from parents of children with autism. "It is the gentle music and the repetition that engages these children and they really respond to the DVDs." Many autistic children who watch Meet the Letters have found it easy to learn upper and lowercase letter names. Ashley Roberson said, "My four year old son is autistic. He has learned all of his upper and lowercase letters from this wonderful DVD."

The DVDs in the Series are Meet the Letters, Meet the Numbers, Meet Shapes and Meet the Colors. These unique DVDs are highly effective teaching tools for babies and toddlers. The series was released in September of 2005. Since this time, it has received national attention, winning