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Press & Parent Testimonials!

"I could not believe how fast he learned his numbers from this video. He has been able to count for a while but now recognizes numbers everywhere we go and is always painting and saying their names."
— Parent, Phoenix, AZ

"It's really refreshing to encounter something that gets tangible results. 'Meet the Letters' combines a basic need (learning the alphabet) with a tried-and-true method (repetition), all while keeping Junior entertained...
We give it an A."— Entertainment Weekly

"The bonus to this great video is that my daughter learned the entire alphabet, both capital and lowercase, in a little less than two weeks. She is
only two!"— Parent, San Ramon, CA

"Three truly outstanding and highly recommended introductory DVDs for your preschool children ages 9 months to 5 years."
— The Midwest Book Review

"Preschool Prep Company™ has done it again. My daughter learned all eight shapes after viewing 'Meet the Shapes' twice. This video is amazing!"
— Parent, Boston, MA

"Capture a young child's mind while it's still impressionable with these fantastic new videos. Children can learn letters and numbers through fun,
likeable characters."— Parentworld.com

"We tried books, puzzles and every DVD on the market claiming to teach the alphabet. Then, I introduced him to 'Meet the Letters'. He was immediately drawn to it and in less than two weeks, he learned all his letters, upper and
lowercase!"— Parent, Danville, CA

"This unique video teaches upper and lowercase letters along with representative images allowing the child to make word and sound
associations. 4 stars out of 4!"— ePregnancy

"So many videos claim to be educational but do not teach a thing. My kids have learned more from this video than from all their other videos put
together."— Parent, Scottsdale, AZ

"I highly recommend these DVDs to anyone with children currently working on letter recognition skills, or with babies or toddlers who they would like to give a great head-start in pre-reading skills."
— Old Schoolhouse Magazine

"It is as if my twins achieved in about a month what most kids take two or three years of preschool to learn. I think these videos should be required
curriculum for all preschools!"— Parent, Lake Forrest, IL

"If you've got very small kids and you want to turn travel into an educational trip instead of another visit from the purple dinosaur, a DVD series from the Preschool Prep Co.™ teachers letter, shape, and number recognition."
— New York Post

"Baby Einstein is entertainment — This is Learning!"
— Parent, San Francisco, CA

"It's amazing how babies and toddlers pick up letter and number recognition
skills through these DVDs."— About.com's Best Baby Toys

"I can't believe how much my twins enjoy letters and books. Since watching 'Meet the Letters', they are acutely aware of all the letters around them."
— Parent, Dublin, CA

"These are very clever DVDs that will delight the targeted audience of babies to 5-year-olds. Parents will be amazed at how fast their children grasp the
concept of number and letter recognition."— Times Record News

"I laughed when I was asked to let my 14-month baby participate in a study where she would learn letters. She couldn't even talk! I was amazed when, at her two-week assessment she knew 14 letters! She is now 16 months old and knows all of her letters. WOW!"
— Parent, Walnut Creek, CA

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