"I could not believe how fast he learned his numbers from this video. He has been able to count for a while but
now recognizes numbers everywhere we go and is always painting and saying their names." |
| — Parent, Phoenix, AZ |
"It's really refreshing to encounter something that gets tangible results. 'Meet the Letters' combines a basic
need (learning the alphabet) with a tried-and-true method (repetition), all while keeping Junior entertained... |
We give it an A." | — Entertainment Weekly |
"The bonus to this great video is that my daughter learned the entire alphabet, both capital and lowercase, in a
little less than two weeks. She is |
only two!" | — Parent, San Ramon, CA |
"Three truly outstanding and highly recommended introductory DVDs for your preschool children ages 9 months to
5 years." |
| — The Midwest Book Review |
"Preschool Prep Company™ has done it again. My daughter learned all eight shapes after viewing 'Meet the
Shapes' twice. This video is amazing!" |
| — Parent, Boston, MA |
"Capture a young child's mind while it's still impressionable with these fantastic new videos. Children can learn
letters and numbers through fun, |
likeable characters." | — Parentworld.com |
"We tried books, puzzles and every DVD on the market claiming to teach the alphabet. Then, I introduced him to
'Meet the Letters'. He was immediately drawn to it and in less than two weeks, he learned all his letters, upper and |
lowercase!" | — Parent, Danville, CA |
"This unique video teaches upper and lowercase letters along with representative images allowing the child to make
word and sound |
associations. 4 stars out of 4!" | — ePregnancy |
"So many videos claim to be educational but do not teach a thing. My kids have learned more from this video than
from all their other videos put |
together." | — Parent, Scottsdale, AZ |
"I highly recommend these DVDs to anyone with children currently working on letter recognition skills, or with
babies or toddlers who they would like to give a great head-start in pre-reading skills." |
| — Old Schoolhouse Magazine |
"It is as if my twins achieved in about a month what most kids take two or three years of preschool to learn. I
think these videos should be required |
curriculum for all preschools!" | — Parent, Lake Forrest, IL |
"If you've got very small kids and you want to turn travel into an educational trip instead of another visit from
the purple dinosaur, a DVD series from the Preschool Prep Co.™ teachers letter, shape, and number recognition." |
| — New York Post |
"Baby Einstein is entertainment — This is Learning!" |
| — Parent, San Francisco, CA |
"It's amazing how babies and toddlers pick up letter and number recognition |
skills through these DVDs." | — About.com's Best Baby Toys |
"I can't believe how much my twins enjoy letters and books. Since watching 'Meet the Letters', they are acutely
aware of all the letters around them." |
| — Parent, Dublin, CA |
"These are very clever DVDs that will delight the targeted audience of babies to 5-year-olds. Parents will be
amazed at how fast their children grasp the |
concept of number and letter recognition." | — Times Record News |
"I laughed when I was asked to let my 14-month baby participate in a study where she would learn letters. She
couldn't even talk! I was amazed when, at her two-week assessment she knew 14 letters! She is now 16 months old and knows all of her
letters. WOW!" |
| — Parent, Walnut Creek, CA |